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Stellar API


Using the Stellar API, a developer who is intereseted in this particular blockchain and has seen some of Rust language, can easily upload and deploy smart contracts both compiled and without compile. Vottun API is able to deploy and interact with it through a simple API Rest request, sending the name of the method and the parameters.

The API provides the developer with severall calls, but all of them are grouped in three main blocks:

  1. Accounts: Allows to the developer to fund with testnet or futurnet tokens or to get the balance of a certain account.
  2. Smart Contracts: Allows to the developer to upload, deploy and interact with a smart contract and get some infomation about it.
  3. Query information: It is also possible to get some interesenting information such as the balance of an account, or the transaction information.

For using the API is necessary to sing up in Vottun World and access to the Stellar part of the Web3 API section. With this simple action your first account will be generated. To take full advantage of the APIs it is advisable to have some concepts about the Stellar network.

It is also important to consider that in order to maintain compatibility with the EVM section of the Vottun ecosystem, the following network identifiers have been established for the different Stellar networks:

Network nameIdentifier


Fund account​

This endpoint is usefull to fund accounts in testnet or futurnet. To fund an account in pubnet is necessary to do a current transaction of lumens between two accounts

The call to be executed is:



The request must include a json body with the following fields:

accountstringyesThe we want to fundGBDZZEECOXDNP5DYVVLQEV4DHX4ODZ...2YFLO7XRWL5D47AF656JB
networkIdintyesThe network identificator100000001


"networkId": 100000001

Http status

resulthttp status
The account has been succesfully funded201
The account already funded to starting balance400
The customer is not authorized401
There is an error with any of the vottun dependencies or with the customer (in this case contact with Vottun)503

Get account balance​

This endpoint is usefull to get the account balance in the desired network.

The call to be executed is:



The request must include a json body with the following fields:

accountstringyesThe we want to fundGBDZZEECOXDNP5DYVVLQEV4DHX4OD...YFLO7XRWL5D47AF656JB
networkIdintyesThe network identificator100000001


"networkId": 100000001


It will return a json with the id assinged to the contract in the platform:

balanceintThe balance of the specified account10000


"balance": 10000

Http status

resulthttp status
The account has been succesfully funded201
The account already funded to starting balance400
The customer is not authorized401
There is an error with any of the vottun dependencies or with the customer (in this case contact with Vottun)503

Save a Smart Contract​

Thanks to this endpoint you can attach to the Vottun ecosystem the contract you have worked on to finally exploit it with your dApp.

The call to be executed is:



The request must include body with the following data form-data format.

filefileyesThe result .wasm file after compile the contracthelloWorld.wasm
namestringyesA name to indentify the contracthelloWorld
descriptionstringnoText to describe what the contract doThis is an easy contract to check functionallity


It will return a json with the id assinged to the contract in the platform:

idintThe specs id assigned to contract12345


"id": 12226

Http status

resulthttp status
The smart contract has been inserted succesfully201
The customer is not authorized401
There is an error with any of the vottun dependencies or with the customer (in this case contact with Vottun)503

Upload a project​

This endpoint allows us to upload one or more contracts where you have been working on. Using this endpoint we will compile the contract for you. We only need a zip file with all the contect of you working directory. It is important to compress the content of your working directory not the directory itself.

After you get the correct answer, the compilation process has been launched and there is other endpoint to check the compilation status of a certain contract.

The call to be executed is:



The request must include body with the following data if a form-data.

filefileyesThe result .wasm file after compile the contracthelloWorld.wasm


The upload method will answer with the generated name of the file and an array with the detected different contracts in the project.

filenamestringA unique filename of the uploaded projectincrement
contracts[]stringAn array with the names of the different contracts detected in the project[]


"filename": "increment4568",
"contracts": [

Http status

resulthttp status
The project has been inserted succesfully uploaded201
The uploaded file is not a Cargo project. The zip file contains the folder not the contents400
The customer is not authorized401
There is an error with any of the vottun dependencies or with the customer (in this case contact with Vottun)503

Deploy contract​

This endpoint allows us to deploy one contract in our desired network. We can choose between testnet, futurenet and mainnet. The smart contract must be previously uploaded to the platform as its identifier must be informed in the contractSpecsId field. Its execution will return the address of the contract and the hash transaction.

The call to be executed is:



The request must include a json body with the following fields:

contractSpecsIdintyesContract Specs ID. Is the id of the contract deployed in the Core Platform3
myReferencestringnoCustomer reference. It is used to retrieve information about the request if a problem occurs during the request. It is better to use different one for each request but if it is repeated there will not raise any errorREF0008A5F
blockchainNetworkintyesThe chain id100000000


"contractSpecsId": 12228,


It will return a json with the following fields (the transaction is not still confirmed):

addressstringThe contract AddressCBSI5T7EN3HZJZBMR3SBHZIHKZFM...2OPT7T2H4GFWZJ3YKFHS5GUH
saltstringThe Id of the Soroban contract00wHpaHN9f
statusstringThe status of the deploymentPENDING
txHashstringThe transaction Hashecc92cf47e48c35e799b59395064df...be3936bb74df95f5efa688c290d


"salt": "00wHpaHN9f",
"status": "PENDING",
"txHash": "ecc92cf47e48c35e799b59395064df2...63be3936bb74df95f5efa688c290d"

Http status

resulthttp status
The contract deployment has been succesfully started201
The specified contract specs id does not exist400
The customer is not authorized401
There is an error with any of the vottun dependencies or with the customer (in this case contact with Vottun)503

Estimate Deploy contract​

This endpoint allows us to make an estimation of the cost of a deployment of the specified contract in the desired network. We can choose between testnet, futurenet and mainnet. The smart contract must be previously uploaded to the platform as its identifier must be informed in the contractSpecsId field.

The answer apart from the cost will tell us if it is necessary to restore the contract because the TTL (time to live) has come to end. If it is true will provide the cost of restore it

The call to be executed is:



The request must include a json body with the following fields:

contractSpecsIdintyesContract Specs ID. Is the id of the contract deployed in the Core Platform3
blockchainNetworkintyesThe chain id100000000


"contractSpecsId": 12228,


It will return a json with the following fields (the transaction is not still confirmed):

estimatedCostfloatThe estimated cost in lumens of the deployment of the contract0.1287435
restorebooleanIt is necessary to extend the TTL of the contract or notfalse
restoreCostfloatIf restore is true it will be informed the cost of extend the TTL0


"estimatedCost": 0.1287435,
"restore": false,
"restoreCost": 0

Http status

resulthttp status
The contract deployment estimation has been correctely calculated201
The specified contract specs id does not exist400
The customer is not authorized401
There is an error with any of the vottun dependencies or with the customer (in this case contact with Vottun)503

Invoke contract​

This endpoint allows us to invoke any method of a deployed contract. As discussed in the abstract, you need to know both the name of the function and its parameters in the right order. You can also check the detail section of the contract you deployed in your Vottun World account to know the exact name of the method and the parameters names, types and order you have to send in the request.

The call to be executed is:



The request must include a json body with the following fields:

blockchainNetworkintyesThe chain id100000000
myReferencestringnoThe reference we inform in the deploymentmyReference
restorebooleanyesA flag that indicates if you want to extend the TTLfalse
addressstringyesIt is the contract on which the transaction is to be executed.CAOUQSKD6CBFCHCM...J33YIF7KTASLDSZ27MDB
methodstringyesThe smart contract method as it is written in the Rust codeinitialize
params[]anyyesIt is an array with all the parameters required by the smart contract method is going to be executed. The order is important[18,"Vottun","VTN"]


"restore": false,
"method": "initialize",


It will return a json with the following fields (the transaction is not still confirmed):

txHashstringThe transaction hash of the invokation of the contract661b9e39e7e44c75782a7313cfacdaa2...f7b5152ecb024443f3cc0290170de
statusstringIs the status in which is the transactionPENDING


"txHash": "661b9e39e7e44c75782a7313cfacdaa2...f7b5152ecb024443f3cc0290170de",
"status": "PENDING"

Http status

resulthttp status
The contract invokation has been correctely done200
The specified contract instance id does not exist or the parameters are incorrect400
The customer is not authorized401
There is an error with any of the vottun dependencies or with the customer (in this case contact with Vottun)503

Estimate Invoke contract​

This endpoint allows us to estimate the cost of the invokation of any method of a contract.

The call to be executed is:



The request must include a json body with the following fields:

blockchainNetworkintyesThe chain id100000000
myReferencestringnoThe reference we inform in the deploymentmyReference
restorebooleanyesA flag that indicates if you want to extend the TTLfalse
addressstringyesIt is the contract on which the transaction is to be executed.CAOUQSKD6CBFCHCM...J33YIF7KTASLDSZ27MDB
methodstringyesThe smart contract method as it is written in the Rust codeinitialize
params[]anyyesIt is an array with all the parameters required by the smart contract method is going to be executed. The order is important[18,"Vottun","VTN"]


"restore": false,
"method": "initialize",


It will return a json with the following fields (the transaction is not still confirmed):

estimatedCostfloatThe estimated cost in lumens of the deployment of the contract0.1287435
restorebooleanIt is necessary to extend the TTL of the contract or notfalse
restoreCostfloatIf restore is true it will be informed the cost of extend the TTL0


"estimatedCost": 0.1287435,
"restore": false,
"restoreCost": 0

Http status

resulthttp status
The contract deployment estimation has been correctely calculated201
The specified contract specs id does not exist400
The customer is not authorized401
There is an error with any of the vottun dependencies or with the customer (in this case contact with Vottun)503

Extend contract​

In the Stellar blockchain network, TTL (Time To Live) refers to the lifespan of a transaction. Specifically, it is the maximum amount of time a transaction can remain valid before it is considered expired and is no longer processed by the network.

This endpoint is valid for extend the time of a transaction remains valid.

The call to be executed is:



The request must include a json body with the following fields:

blockchainNetworkintyesThe chain id100000000
addressstringyesThe contract address we want to extendmyReference
extend_tobooleanyesThe number of blocks you want to extend the instance livefalse


"blockchainNetwork": 100000000,


It will return a json with the following fields (the transaction is not still confirmed):

txHashstringThe transaction hash of the invokation of the contract661b9e39e7e44c75782a7313cfacdaa2...f7b5152ecb024443f3cc0290170de
statusstringIs the status in which is the transactionPENDING


"txHash": "574b6b392ebf599204638ffa5ededab...8ba7b51c9ac698eb32ac679d068ec3",
"status": "SUCCESS"

Http status

resulthttp status
The contract invokation has been correctely done200
The specified contract instance id does not exist or the parameters are incorrect400
The customer is not authorized401
There is an error with any of the vottun dependencies or with the customer (in this case contact with Vottun)503

Get contract methods​

Using this endpoint is possible to get all the methods of a contract, the names and types of its arguments and the returned type.

The call to be executed is:


Path Params

contractIdintyesThe specs id of the contract.12202

The request must include a json body with the following fields:

blockchainNetworkintyesThe chain id100000000




It will return a json with a array of the strings correspondig to each mehod:

methods[]stringThe name of the method, the argruments and the returning typefn allowance(from: Address, spender: Address) -> i128


"methods": [
"fn allowance(from: Address, spender: Address) -> i128",
"fn approve(from: Address, spender: Address, amount: i128, expiration_ledger: u32)",
"fn balance(id: Address) -> i128",
"fn burn(from: Address, amount: i128)",
"fn burn_from(spender: Address, from: Address, amount: i128)",
"fn decimals() -> u32",
"fn initialize(admin: Address, decimal: u32, name: string, symbol: string)",
"fn mint(to: Address, amount: i128)",
"fn name() -> string",
"fn set_admin(new_admin: Address)",
"fn symbol() -> string",
"fn transfer(from: Address, to: Address, amount: i128)",
"fn transfer_from(spender: Address, from: Address, to: Address, amount: i128)"

Http status

resulthttp status
The contract methods correctely achived200
The specified contract instance id does not exist400
The customer is not authorized401
There is an error with any of the vottun dependencies or with the customer (in this case contact with Vottun)503

Get contract TTL info​

This enpoint is valid to know if a installed contract is alive or not.

The call to be executed is:


Path Params

contractIdintyesThe specs id of the contract.12202

The request must include a json body with the following fields:

blockchainNetworkintyesThe chain id100000000




It will return a json object with the status of the contract:

isAlivebooleanThe contract is alive or nottrue


"isAlive": true

Http status

resulthttp status
The contract status correctely achived200
The specified contract id does not exist in the specified network400
The customer is not authorized401
There is an error with any of the vottun dependencies or with the customer (in this case contact with Vottun)503

Get contract instance TTL info​

This endpoint is valid to know if a particular instance of a contract is alive or not and until which leadger is going to be alive.

The call to be executed is:


Path Params

addressintyesThe contract instance address.CBCBJ3N4TD6IA22VXNAP...H3OSM2HQEPLX2LTHIUZL

The request must include a json body with the following fields:

blockchainNetworkintyesThe chain id100000000
sourceAccountstringyesThe account of the sender of the requestGAXVGRJ65MPK33...KJNLYXBCZLDGX4MPBR4LRHBHS




It will return a json object with the status of the contract:

isAlivebooleanThe contract is alive or nottrue
latestLedgerintThe latest ledger number introduced in the network458449
liveUntilLedgerintThe ledger number until the instance is going to be alive2315175


"isAlive": true,
"latestLedger": 458449,
"liveUntilLedger": 2315175

Http status

resulthttp status
The contract status correctely achived200
The specified contract instance address or the source account does not exist in the specified network400
The customer is not authorized401
There is an error with any of the vottun dependencies or with the customer (in this case contact with Vottun)503

Get transaction information​

Using this enpoint you will achive information about any transaction

The call to be executed is:


Path Params

txHashstringyesThe transaction Hash574b6b392ebf599204638ffa5..48ba7b51c9ac698eb32ac679d068ec3

Query Params

networkintyesIt identifies the blockchain network where the transaction was inserted.100000000


The call will return the following json object with the blockchain transaction information.

networkintThe network identifier1
statusstringThe status of the transactionSUCCESS
transaction.source_accountstringThe sender of the transactionGBINWTXKQG2YCP3REEVEFYPN...4VI5XHLHN3MU5Q
transaction.sequence_numberintThe order of transactions of an account1037530954727427
transaction.max_feeintMaximun fee can be charged795806
transaction.operationsanyActions the transaction executes{"extendTo": 2531500}
transaction.memostringAdditional informationTokens transfer
receipt.codestringResult of the operation
receipt.fee_chargedintTransaction fees661367
receipt.ledgerintThe ledger number457918
receipt.createdAtstringConfirmation timestamp2024-10-15T13:41:12Z
receipt.return_valuebooleanProduces a return valuefalse
receipt.eventsanyTriggered events
erroranyErrors if exist


"network": 100000000,
"status": "SUCCESS",
"transaction": {
"sequence_number": 1037530954727427,
"max_fee": 795806,
"operations": {
"extendTo": 2531500
"memo": null
"recipt": {
"code": "",
"fee_charged": 661367,
"ledger": 457918,
"createdAt": "2024-10-15T13:41:12Z",
"return_value": false,
"events": null
"error": ""

Http status

resulthttp status
The tx information has succesfully achived200
The specified contract transaction hash or network are incorrect400
The customer is not authorized401
There is an error with any of the vottun dependencies or with the customer (in this case contact with Vottun)503